Basic Policy for Sustainability

Guided by its corporate philosophy and management principles, the JAPAN MATERIAL Group (the "JM Group") is dedicated to contributing to the sustainable advancement of society and growth of corporate value while maintaining strong lines of communication with business partners, shareholders and other investors, employees, communities, and all other stakeholders.

1. Business Activities that Protect the Environment

All business activities incorporate measures for a circular business model, the reduction of CO2 emissions, and environmental protection, all contributing to society for the benefit of people and the Earth.

2. Contributions to Communities and Society

We will never forget our gratitude to the local community, and through our business, cultural, and other social contribution activities, we are dedicated to creating an environment that develops together to revitalize the community.

3. Human Resource Development and Pleasant Workplaces

We believe that human resources are an asset of to our society, and we aim to be a company where a diverse range of these assets can actively play their respective roles.
Based on the principle of "Always Safety First," we have programs and workplaces that enable everyone to do their best and accomplish their goals.

4. Initiatives to Create Innovation

To support companies at the leading edge of their industries, we draw on the technological knowledge and skills of all employees and their creativity to create businesses that constantly contribute to ideas for the next generation.

5. Governance

We are dedicated to building relationships with stakeholders based on mutual trust as we conduct business activities in compliance with laws, regulations and other guidelines.
To support the growth of corporate value, we disclose corporate information in a suitable manner and have many other activities for sound communications with stakeholders.